Ten Things I Learnt on Day 1 of our Self-isolation

Yesterday was our first day in self-isolation as two of us have Covid-19 symptoms, so we are here for at least the next 14 days. I suspect it’s going to be a lot longer than that but, like everyone, I will be taking this one day at a time.

Journalling and reflecting really help me to keep learning, growing and celebrating as I go through life. Yesterday was pretty tough. We didn’t know we were going to suddenly find ourselves in this position and even though we’ve been doing a lot of planning and preparation for this, it was still a bit of a shock and the reality of juggling everything really sank in. At the end of the day, it felt so good to write this list of things. I hope they inspire you and help you to write your own list.

  1. I am so very grateful for the time I have put into my meditation practice over the past few years and especially my early morning meditation.

  2. I am one of the most patient people I know...but I am definitely going to learn a new level of patience this year!

  3. I really, really love my family and am happy that I get to spend two weeks with them and no-one else.

  4. Having a big family is great because it’s pretty hard to get lonely.

  5. I thought I was really ready for this but too much of it was still in the ‘in my head’ planning stage and not down on paper for everyone else in the family to see. This always happens at Christmas too, so I really should have learnt by now!

  6. It’s okay though because we wrote today off early on in the day and agreed one day without structure is fine, as long as it involves making the home school timetable!

  7. “I am doing my best” will become my mantra of 2020.

  8. I have such an incredible local network and feel very supported and loved.

  9. My children really like learning! And this will come in very handy.

  10. I am so glad we had some honest conversations with our children over the past couple of weeks, so that we could build up to this. They have been incredible today!

Sending you lots of love and light. x


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Creative Gratitude Practice : A Free Short Course