(Re) Connecting to the Flowers

A few months ago I went to a workshop with the wonderful Saskia of Saskia’s Flower Essences. I have been interested in using Flower Essences for myself and my children for a while and when we moved to Somerset I was excited to be close to Saskia and knew it was time for me to find out more and attend one of her workshops.
I hadn’t really expected that this workshop and the essence I created for myself would unlock a door that had been waiting to be opened for a long time, a door that was sitting right in front of me. The flower essence reconnected me to the flowers and plants that I have adored since I was young, the flowers and plants that have always been a part of my work from my PhD in plant hunting back in my 20s, through to my botanical photography and my studio always full of flowers where I ran photography workshops.
When I made the break away from running Makelight I thought I was moving into the world of psychology and therapy, and I didn’t see a connection with the plants, apart from for my own pleasure in my garden and home.
Until I unlocked the magic waiting for me thanks to the flower essence and walked through the beautiful door and realised my real work has been waiting for me all this time and the flowers are here to teach me all I need to know, to whisper all I am here to share and show me how to support people with the plants and their flowers sitting at the very centre of all that is coming. Yes it’s therapy, healing, support, and yes I will be completing my psychology degree and more. But the magic, the connection, the core of it all will come from the plants and I have never felt more deeply aligned and ready.

I have a million and one ideas and things I want to do, learn, share but I am being gentle and kind to myself, and starting out with a series of workshops this coming Autumn while I write my book (a book that is now finally flowing and making sense, now that I have realised all of this…thank you flowers!) and continue my studies. xo


A Day With The Flowers : New Workshop


Finding Space for Me