Declutter The Photos On Your Phone

A lovely thing that you can do during this time it to clear out the photos on your phone. That may not sound like the most fun activity but what you will uncover as you go will hopefully make you smile and bring you joy. It may also bring a little sadness about places and people that you are missing right now but try to turn this into hope and excitement about the future.

If you don’t already have folders for photos on your phone then use this time to make some and get organised. Include a folder called Joy and put images in there that make your smile.

You might be struggling to take the photos you want to for your social media right now, so doing this exercise will help you to discover images that you had forgotten about, which you can share during this time.

It will also help you to feel really organised and hopefully calm. Do a little each day, delete images you don’t need and enjoy the progress and satisfaction! xo


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